Distribution Statement | Permissions Wizard

There are seven distribution options available for content uploaded to MOTAR Web.

Distribution Statements

There are seven distribution options available for content uploaded to MOTAR Web.

As a vendor, you will set the permissions mentioned above based on what distribution statement you choose. The statements selected determine what permissions are best for your content.

As a government user, you can set distribution statements for your content.

Distribution Statement


Distribution Statement A

Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.

Distribution Statement B

Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies.

Distribution Statement C

Distribution authorized to U.S. Government agencies and their contractors.

Distribution Statement D

Distribution authorized to Department of Defense and U.S D.o.D contractors.

Distribution Statement E

Distribution authorized to Department of Defense.

Distribution Statement F

Further dissemination only as directed.

Not Applicable

Only select this option if the information you are uploading is not Technical/STINFO. Distribution Statements are not applicable to this content. Permissions will be set manually.

If DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT F or NOT APPLICABLE is selected as the preferred distribution, the user will be able to make custom permission selections for the listing using the PERMISSIONS TABLE. For more information on customizing permissions go here.

Last updated