How to Add and Manage Plugins
To add and manage Plugins, the Studio Group must have plugin permissions enabled by a MOTAR Admin.
To create a plugin, SELECT the desired STUDIO GROUP from the MOTAR Studio homepage.
CLICK the PLUGIN listing button or scroll to CLICK the + ADD PLUGIN button in the PLUGINS section of the page.
The New Plugin modal will appear. Here the user is required to input a Plugin Icon, Name, Description, and Type.
Plugin Types
Plugin Types include ATO, CAC, and AI. Additional details can be found at the links below.
To edit a plugin, click the CONFIGURE PLUGIN button found at the right of the plugin listing.
Clicking Configure Plugin will display the settings/edit page for your plugin type.
To delete a plugin, CLICK the DELETE PLUGIN button found at the right of the plugin listing.
Clicking the DELETE PLUGIN button will open a CONFIRM ACTION modal. Here the user is asked to "Confirm Delete", here you are required to enter the plugin name in the input box before being able to successfully delete it.
CLICK the CONFIRM DELETE button to remove the plugin from the platform.
Last updated