App | Listing Type

App listings allow user to create two types of apps: Sandbox (can only interact with test data for testing integration) and Production (live in the MOTAR network).

Create App Listing

Studio users have access to the following listing types:

CLICK on the APP tile to begin the create listing process.


Instructions for creating the Standalone App Listing Subcategory can be found here.

"Sandbox" apps can only interact with test data (for testing integration) and are set to Not MIAB Compatible. "Production" apps are Live in the MOTAR network and can be either MIAB Compatible or Not MIAB Compatible depending on MOTAR Admin approval settings.

Each App Listing must include App Type (Sandbox or Production) along with user input fields for App Name and Short Description. The user has the option to select Standalone or none for the subcategory type.

Instructions for creating the Standalone App Listing Subcategory can be found here.

"Sandbox" apps can only interact with test data (for testing integration). "Production" apps are live in the MOTAR network.

Preview App Listing

After completing the App Listing flow, the user is able to SELECT the PREVIEW LISTING PAGE link, which provides a preview of the HUB Listing before it's active on the platform.


Permission Scopes

Add Scopes to the application using the ADD SCOPE button and modal. This is important, scopes help enable API interaction within the application.

Authentication + Profile scopes are set by default. These scopes enable authentication in the application, using SDK / API calls.


Generate Key pairs (Client ID & Client Secret) on this tab in app settings. Generated keys are unique to each app listing. These values are used to identify the application when making API calls to MOTAR.

Launch Configuration

On Launch Configuration, the user can configure a redirect URI & desktop launch URI. Read more information on the two values below:

What is a REDIRECT URI: A redirect URI, or reply URL, is the location where the authorization server sends the user once the app has been successfully authorized and granted an authorization code or access token

The redirect URI is used on the authentication flow.

What is a DESKTOP LAUNCH URI?: A desktop launch URI is a unique sequence of characters that identifies a logical or physical resource used by web technologies.

The desktop launch URI is used to launch lessons/desktop applications directly from the platform. Please note: The application has to be configured correctly before utilizing this feature.


Supported Devices and Distribution options are configured on the tab above on app settings. From this screen users can add, edit, and delete distribution options. Clicking Add Distribution presents the user with the modal seen below. Here the user will input a version number, release notes, select supported device(s), select additional gear (as needed), upload the app file, and input recommended system requirements and special installation instructions (as needed).

Mark the distribution as a "Demo Release" using the toggle found on the right of the modal below.

Add App Distribution supports an App Binary upload option or an External URL.

Publishing your application to the MOTAR Platform requires a distribution option.

Find export Instructions for supported devices below:

Operating System

Upload File Type




.apk & Google Play Store (Production)


.ipa & Apple App Store (Production)



Oculus Rift


Additional Gear

Pair the Distribution Option with Additional Gear supported by the platform, shown below. Additional Gear support includes: Simulators, Controllers, and Haptics.

Connect to any of the platform-supported gear listed below which includes: Simulators, Controllers, and Haptics.

Below are step-by-step instructions for creating distribution packages, along with info on all platforms MOTAR supports.

Apple App Store

When selecting the Apple App Store Distribution model the user will be required to enter the following information:

Version: This will be a user-defined version number. App Store ID: This ID will be listed on the public app store listing URL, see screenshot for reference:

When selecting the App Store Link Distribution model the user will be required to enter the following information: Play Store ID: This ID will be listed on the public play store listing URL, see screenshot for reference:

Google Play Store

When selecting the Google Play App Store Distribution model the user will be required to enter the following information:

Play Store ID: This ID will be listed on the public play store listing URL, see screenshot for reference:

Play Store Intent: Setting the Play Store Intent value will launch the play store app and load the targeted page if it's not found on the device. See the example below:

  • market://. Launches the Play Store app to load the target page.

    • market://details?

The following section contains more information on distribution package types.


.apk - App Binary

In Android Studio’s main menu, choose Build → Generate Signed APK.

  • The Generate Signed APK dialog box appears. This dialog box has a drop-down list in which the user selects one of your project’s modules.

CLICK the NEXT button.

  • Another Generate Signed APK dialog box appears. This box contains a Key Store Path field. In what follows, it’s assumed that the user hasn't yet created a key store. (If one has been created, the user know that they did.)

CLICK the CREATE NEW button.

  • A New Key Store dialog box opens.

POPULATE the KEY STORE dialog box.

  • Choose a name and a location for the key store.

  • Put the full pathname (the location and filename) of the new key store in the dialog box’s Key Store Path field. Enter passwords in the Password and Confirm fields.

  • Remember the passwords that are created when the user fills in the Password and Confirm fields. These passwords will be required when the user utilizes this key to sign another app.

  • In a key store file, each key has an alias

ACCEPT the default validity period (25 years).

  • If the user creates a key on New Year’s Day in 2016, the key will expire on New Year’s Day in 2041. Happy New Year, everybody!

  • According to the Play Store’s rules, the key must not expire until sometime after October 22, 2033, so 25 years from 2016 is okay.

In the CERTIFICATE section, fill in at least one of the six fields.

CLICK the OK button.

  • The Generate Signed APK dialog box reappears. This time, many of the boxes fields are auto-filled in.

CLICK the NEXT button.

  • One last Generate Signed APK dialog box will appear. In this final Generate Signed APK box, take note of the APK Destination Folder. Also, be sure to select RELEASE in the Build Type drop-down list.

CLICK the FINISH button.

  • The .apk will be stored on the user's device. If using android studio during this setup the IDE will offer to open the file location of the .apk that was just created.


Oculus, HTC, Varjo, HP, HoloLens, Magic Leap, and Pico Headsets:

Instructions supporting VR distribution can be found through the unity export options. After following those instructions take the final exported product, zip it, and upload it as a distribution option.

Unity Export

Project Setup:

Go to FILE.


Go to the PLAYER SETTINGS tab in that dialog box.

CONFIGURE game settings (screen splash,game name,company name,etc,etc).

SELECT the applicable platform (win/mac/linux/xbox/etc).

CLICK the BUILD button.

Unreal Export

Project Setup:

In: Project > Description Set the project’s details and thumbnail: > The Project thumbnail will appear in the UE4 Editor browser. > Thumbnail image must be a 192 x 192 resolution PNG

In: Project > Maps & Modes Set default level (Map) for the project:

In: Project > Packaging Choose build configuration > For final distribution choose ‘Shipping‘:

In: Project > Supported Platforms: Make sure Windows is selected:

Exporting the package

Creating the game package: Choose: File > Package Project > Windows > Windows (64-bit) And select an output folder.

A folder named “WindowsNoEditor” will be created, And inside it will be the game executable along with code and assets folders. This package can be renamed and copied to other locations.

Push Notifications

Push notifications can be configured for the user's mobile application. Follow the IOS or Android platform guides listed below:


The SDKs tab within the Create App Listing Flow contains direct links to the MOTAR Swift and Unity SDKs repositories.


Permissions are set using the Permissions Wizard tool, read more information on the documentation page linked below.

pageHow to Manage Listing Permissions

The Training Scope - enables API interaction with the MOTAR Training Dashboard.

Last updated