Instructor Dashboard

The MOTAR Instructor Dashboard requires "Instructor" permissions set by a MOTAR Admin.

Instructors can:

  • Instruct Classes

  • View real-time student progression

  • Review student performance

  • Grade “Instructor-graded” lessons

  • Launch and execute “hands-on” lessons

  • Can view student’s performance dashboard

  • Transfer, Dis-enroll, or Suspend a student

  • Can view student notes

  • Can add Instructor notes

  • Clean student scores

  • View Student Journey Map

Live Learning Dashboards

As an instructor, this is your main dashboard to view course and student stats. When logged in as an Instructor, the training cube in the top navigation is green (as a student it displays blue).

Class Task performance can be seen when selecting a course from the drop-down menu from the Instructor Dashboard. Instructors can also view how students perform relative to each other in a class or on an individual basis.


Create Certificates

Certificates can be created from the Instructor Dashboard. Certificates are assigned to a specific course and the details include the Certificate Name, active period in days, and a description of the certificate.

SELECT the course in the COURSE NAME dropdown.

SELECT the + icon to the left of CREATE NEW CERTIFICATE to create a certificate for the selected course.

POPULATE the Certificate Name, Expiration, and Description.

SELECT the DONE button to create the certificate.

Edit Certificates

SELECT the course in the COURSE NAME dropdown.

SELECT the EDIT PENCIL icon to the right of the certificate to edit.

MODIFY the Certificate Name, Expiration, and/or Description.

SELECT the DONE button to complete editing the certificate.

Assign A Certificate

Certificates created for a course can be assigned to the instructors of the course.

From the COURSE page, navigate to the USERS tab. SELECT the desired Class and Version of the course from the dropdowns.

SELECT the + ADD ANOTHER icon under the CERTIFICATES column of the Instructors section.

In the pop-up window, select the CHECKBOX to the left of the certificate(s) being assigned to the instructor.

SELECT the ASSIGN button to complete assigning the certificate to the instructor.

Certification Filtering on Course Instructor Selection

Certificates can be used to filter the selection of an instructor for a class and version of a course.

Certification Filtering on Task Instructor Selection

Certificates can be used to filter the selection of an instructor for a task.

Instructor View of Student Dashboard

An instructor can view a detailed summary of student progress on the Instructor's view of a Student Dashboard.

View Progress In 3rd Party Apps

xAPI statements passed from XR applications to a specific lesson module, allow for an instructor to view the progress of students. Lesson modules can also be scored as pass/fail or have a % scoring.

Easily View Assessment Performance

Assessments scores, reattempts, the time it took to complete, and scores can be viewed on assessments.

The question and the student's answer can be seen by clicking on the X or CHECKMARK.

View Student Journey Map

To better understand how a student completed the course, a sequential progress map can be viewed. The xAPI statements get translated into easy-to-read icons as well.

SCORM Mapping To xAPI

Student data will be recorded and passed back from the SCORM file into MOTAR. This can be viewed when looking at a SCORM module in a course and on the Student Journey tab in a course.



First Attempt Started

User launches a module for the first attempt at completion.


Module Ended

User launches and then terminates or ends a lesson with out restarting.


Module Paused

User starts a module, does not complete, leaves, and then resumes the lesson at a later date.


Module Resumed

User resumes a previously suspended or paused module.

Success Status

Module Completed

User completes 100 percent of the module tasks.

Exited + Relaunched

Second Attempt Started

User exited after a failed attempt and relaunches the module for a second attempt at completion.

Transfer, dis-enroll, or suspend a student

Clean Up Scores

As an instructor, you can view a user-details page by selecting a student in a class. If any quiz scores or xAPI statements need to be edited, instructors have the ability to do so by clicking Edit.

Below is an example of an auto-reported statement after this user viewed a video module. The instructor "joshua-dev" deleted a statement.

When clicking edit to begin the deletion this pop-up will confirm the action with the user.

After clicking confirm you will see an "X" next to the xAPI statement. When this UI is pressed it will present another confirm action modal. After confirming the xAPI statement will update to say "17:10:59 User @instructor account deleted a statement."



    • Create a course

      • Add students to a course

      • Create course content through learning modules

      • Edit course details

You will need the Course Manager permission to edit courses and student training content.


Instructors can generate reports of student progress on the reports page pictured below.

User-created reports will export as a .csv file.

When creating a report, the user will be required to select a course. The select course section will display courses where the user holds the following permissions: instructor or observer.

After selecting a course CLICK the NEXT button to move on. The next step is class selection, the UI below will show all classes found in the users selected course.

The instructor has two export options for class information "Select all Students" or Select Individual Students."

After clicking next the user will be pushed to the STUDENTS UI, shown below.

The dropdown shown allows the user to choose between exporting all attempts, first attempt, or last attempt from selected modules.

After downloading the completed report, the user will now see the report listed under Report Home


Create and manage tasks in one place. Tasks can be created for the instructor user logged into MOTAR and the students assigned to their courses. Tasks can be created, viewed, modified, archived, and restored from Tasking. To learn more about creating and managing tasks, check out this page.

Responsive Support

The instructor dashboard supports a variety of screen sizes and is built to support mobile responsiveness. Access all the functionality found on the desktop, using a tablet or phone.

  • Tablet Example:

  • Mobile Example:

Instructor Supervisor Role


Instructor Supervisors can:

  • See the Certificates section on the Instructor Dashboard.

  • Create certificates.

  • Re-certifies the instructors initially every year to make sure they are up to date on instructing.

  • Can add students to a course

  • Can add and remove instructor.


As a Class Owner, you can edit the roles of instructors within your class. CLICK the EDIT ROLES button, this will display the Add Supervisor Role button in the instructor table.

CLICK the button to update the instructor's role. Instructor Supervisors will have the SUPERVISOR tag under the ROLE column in the table.

Explore these links to see what you can do as an Instructor Supervisor.

How to Use ReportsHow to Manage TaskingsInstructor

Last updated