How to Manage Listing Permissions

Learn how to add permissions to Production listings that existed before the Permissions Wizard was developed and for newly created Production listings.

Note: Permission Wizard only applies to Production listings. Sandbox listings will not display the Permissions tab for launching the Permission Wizard.

This tutorial will walk through how to configure permissions through the Permission Wizard for Production app listings.

Full details regarding the Permissions Wizard can be found at the link below:

Launching the Permissions Wizard

Launching the Permissions Wizard from an Existing App


If the user logging in is only assigned to one organization MOTAR will auto-select the Organization and route directly to MOTAR Studio.

From the EDIT APP LISTING page, select the PERMISSIONS tab.

Launching the Permissions Wizard from a New App


If the user logging in is only assigned to one organization MOTAR will auto-select the Organization and route directly to MOTAR Studio.

Populate the INFO tab of the CREATE APP LISTING page, being sure to select PRODUCTION as the APP TYPE.

If the App Type should be Sandbox then the Permissions Wizard process does not apply.

Setting up the Permissions Wizard

When the Permissions Wizard is launched in a new window, you will be greeted with a Welcome page and your Identified Profile Type. Identified Profile Types include Government and Contractor.

Permissions Wizard Setup: Government

Selecting Not Applicable will result in the next page displaying the following message. "A Distribution Statement is required for sharing content on MOTAR at this time."

If you do not select the Save icon, the app creation will not be saved and you will have to start the entire process over.

Permissions Wizard Setup: Contractor

SELECT either SBIR or OTHER options to reveal the CONTRACT NUMBER field. Populate the CONTRACT NUMBER field.

If you do not select the SAVE button, the app creation will not be saved and you will have to start the entire process over.

Contractor Permissions Wizard Setup: No Government Contract

If you do not select the SAVE button, the app creation will not be saved and you will have to start the entire process over.

Last updated