How to Edit Course
Once created, courses can be edited by Course Manager(s) in MOTAR Training.
To begin, SELECT the desired COURSE from the COURSES Tab in MOTAR Training.
To edit the course details, CLICK the SETTINGS dropdown menu.
Unpublish Course
From the SETTINGS dropdown menu, SELECT the UNPUBLISH COURSE option to unpublish the course.
The information to the right of the course name will change to UNPUBLISHED with a gray circle. Additionally, the permissions icon will change to a LOCKED KEY and all permissions will be modified to remove all access to the course except by Course Manager(s). Please note that the permissions must be reset when the course is published again.
Edit Course Information
From the SETTINGS dropdown menu, SELECT the EDIT COURSE option to edit course information such as the course title or description.
Once all edits are complete, CLICK the SAVE & CLOSE button to save all changes.
Edit Course Content and Users
Within the course, Course Managers can edit all course content and users within each applicable tab (Modules, Objectives, References, Question Bank, etc.).
Full instructions for customizing the course can be found at the link below:
How to Create and Customize CourseLast updated