Journal | Listing Type Subcategory

Journals are a subcategory of the Document Tool listing and are used to embed a source link URL.


CLICK on the DOCUMENT tile to begin the create listing process.


The listing creation page will launch with the INFO Tab displayed.

CLICK the SUBCATEGORY dropdown menu. SELECT the JOURNAL option.

INPUT the document name in the DOCUMENT LISTING NAME field.

INPUT a description for the listing in the DOCUMENT DETAILS field.

6 tabs were automatically added when the JOURNAL subcategory was selected. The ABOUT Tab is required, but all other tabs can be deleted or renamed, as desired.

Delete Listing Details Tab

To delete a tab, CLICK the TRASHCAN icon. The tab will be deleted immediately.

Renaming Listing Details Tab

To re-name a tab, CLICK the TAB title. POPULATE a new tab TITLE. The new name will be saved when the user clicks anywhere out of the text field.

Adding New Listing Details Tab

When Journal sub-category is selected the max number of tabs are automatically generated with names. To add a new tab, one of the auto-generated tabs will need to be deleted then the steps below can be followed.

To add a new tab, CLICK the ADD TAB + button.

A new tab will be added; the user can re-name the tab title and paragraph title(s).

Once all Listing Detail Tabs are updated as desired/required, CLICK the NEXT button. The SETTINGS tab will display.


In the SETTINGS tab, POPULATE the SOURCE LINK field with the desired URL.

CLICK the NEXT button. The PACKAGES tab will display.


If desired (package upload is not not required), CLICK the UPLOAD button to upload a document file.

Once the file is selected, it will be scanned before being uploaded. The user can close the FILE UPLOAD modal while the file is scanning, but cannot leave or refresh the page.



If the user desires to upload another version of the document package to the same listing, they can CLICK the UPLOAD button to upload.

Only one version of the package can be active in the lesson listing.

Once the package(s) have been saved, CLICK the NEXT button to continue.


CLICK the LAUNCH button to run the Permissions Wizard. Full instructions can be found at the link below.

How to Manage Listing Permissions

Once permissions have been set, CLICK the SAVE button to save all requested changes and create the Document Listing.

The new Journal Listing will be displayed at the top of the MY CURRENT LISTINGS table, which can be accessed from the MOTAR Studio MY LISTINGS page.


To edit a listing, CLICK the PENCIL icon in the ACTION column in the MY CURRENT LISTINGS table. The table can be accessed from the MOTAR Studio MY LISTINGS page.

Make any desired changes in the INFO, SETTINGS, PACKAGES, and/or PERMISSIONS tabs. The user can navigate between tabs by either CLICKING the TAB TITLE or CLICKING the NEXT button.

If the user desires to update permissions settings, CLICK the LAUNCH button in the PERMISSIONS tab to run the Permissions Wizard. Full instructions can be found at the link below.

How to Manage Listing Permissions

Once desired edits have been made, CLICK the UPDATE button to save all requested changes and update the listing.


To delete a listing, CLICK the TRASH CAN icon in the ACTION column in the MY CURRENT LISTINGS table. A Confirm Action modal will be displayed.

To permanently delete the Document Listing, TYPE the word DELETE in the text field. CLICK the DELETE button.

The user will be returned to the MOTAR Studio MY LISTINGS page. The listing has been deleted and will no longer be displayed in the MY CURRENT LISTINGS table.

Last updated