How to Discover Listings

Filter Options

MOTAR Hub provides the user with three different filter options to discover listings on the platform: Assets Dropdown, Sidebar Filter, and Sort by Dropdown. Additional information regarding each filter option can be found below on this page.

Assets Dropdown Menu

The asset dropdown menu lists all assets (both available now and coming soon) for the MOTAR Hub. The dropdown will filter the content displayed to the user based on what is selected.

For example, if the user selects Apps, those listings will be shown before any other content type, the remaining content will then display after the selected filter type.

Using the sidebar filter, the user can further detail returned results with a combination of filter options based on Listing Type and Organization.

Filter by Listing Type

The Listing Type dropdown menu lists all assets (both available now and coming soon) for the MOTAR Hub. When the user selects an asset type, additional filter types will be displayed. Additional details regarding each asset filter type can be found in the tabs below.

Selecting All Assets will display all assets available on MOTAR Hub. Users can further filter by specific Organization.

Selecting Lessons > Subcategory App Lesson will display the following additional filter type: Required App. Selecting Lessons > Subcategory SCORM Lesson will not display additional filter types. Users can further filter by specific Organization.

Selecting Audio will display the following additional filter type: Format. Users can further filter by specific Organization.

Coming soon!

Filter by Organization

The Organization dropdown menu gives the user the ability to filter all available content by the organization that published the asset to MOTAR Hub.

Sort By Dropdown Menu

The Sort By dropdown menu gives the user the ability to sort all available content by three criteria: Featured, Newest First, and Alphabetical.

The user will see a mix of MOTAR Hub content displayed with company showcase pages, filtered to the end of the returned list.

Permissions Table

Full Access

Gov Only Access

Limited Access

No Access

Also listed on the Hub Card is the MIAB Compatibility denoted by the M icon which can be hovered over to learn more. The M icon means MIAB Compatible while the M icon with a slash through it means Not MIAB Compatible.

Last updated