How to Manage Sandbox User Accounts

Sandbox Users

Generate user accounts for testing sandbox applications.


  • Generate platform test accounts to interact with the sandbox environment

  • Create or reset sandbox user password

  • Add instructor permissions to users to test role functionality in app

  • Use with MOTAR Training Sandbox to build courses and test with instructors and students

  • Edit your sandbox users information and personalizing the sandbox experience

  • Create friendships between users

  • Add specific users to different Sandbox Apps

10 Sandbox users can be generated at one time. If you want a new randomized, sandbox user delete a current user then click the generate user button.

How To Add Sandbox Users

SELECT the SANDBOX dropdown from the Studio menu bar.

SELECT USERS from the Sandbox dropdown menu.

Generate user accounts for testing sandbox applications by SELECTING the GENERATE USER button. A new Sandbox user will be created and added to the bottom of the page.

Setting or Resetting Sandbox User Password

When a user creates a sandbox user, by CLICKING the GENERATE USER button, a modal will appear prompting the user to CREATE USER PASSWORD.

If the password needs to be changed, the user can reset it by CLICKING the RESET PASSWORD link.

Assign App Permission to Sandbox User

Locate the Sandbox user that needs Instructor permissions. SELECT the CUSTOMIZE button on the Sandbox user card.

SELECT the APP in the Customize menu.

SELECT the APP that needs to be tested.

The sandbox user now has permission to access the previously selected App and is ready to be used for testing sandbox content in the MOTAR Sandbox Training environment. Note if a student user launches an app from MOTAR Training Sandbox course, consent is automatically given.

Assign Permissions to Sandbox User

Sandbox users with Instructor permissions can log in to MOTAR Sandbox and create training content. This is helpful to debug applications and simulations using the training scope. Sandbox users with U.S. Government permissions can log in to MOTAR Sandbox as a student.

Locate the Sandbox user that needs Instructor permissions. SELECT the CUSTOMIZE button on the Sandbox user card.

SELECT the PERMISSIONS in the Customize menu.

Each sandbox user will generate these access groups by default.

To create an Instructor user, add the following access group: Instructor. CLICK on the + button next to Instructor.

SELECT the DONE button to complete adding the Instructor Permission to the Sandbox user.

The sandbox user now has Instructor or student permissions and is ready to be used for testing content in the MOTAR Sandbox Training environment. A Sandbox Instructor can "Create a Course." An instructor who creates the course initially assumes the Course Owner & Course Manager Role.

Create Friendships

Friendships allow users to connect with their friends in an app. Additionally, users can be configured in the initial setup by an admin as "Friend Only" searchability, meaning only users connected as their "friend" on the platform can find them in search. As an end-user, you can update your profile settings to "Colleagues Only" which enables the same functionality described above.

SELECT the CUSTOMIZE button on the Sandbox user card. SELECT the FRIEND in the Customize menu.

SELECT the SANDBOX USER in the Friend window to create a friendship between the two sandbox users.

The sandbox user now has a Friend connection to another sandbox user. They will now show if a friend search API is used.

Last updated