
This class is responsible for making requests to the note API.

You will need to enable the "Training" scope for your app in the developer dashboard before using the course API.


public static let shared: DXNoteClient

Singleton instance of DXNoteClient . You will access all the available DXNoteClient methods through this instance.



public func createNote(
    text: String,
    lessondId: String?,
    userId: String?,
    classId: String?,
    studentId: String?,
    courseId: String?,
    _ completion: @escaping (_ error: Error?, _ note: DXNote?) -> Void

Creates a note.

The following parameters allow the API to automatically add additional metadata to a note:

  • if a lessonId is specified, the lesson's course ID is added.

  • if a classId is specified, the class's course ID is added.

  • if a studentId is specified, the student's user profile ID, class ID, and course IDs are added.

When adding notes for the MOTAR Training Dashboard, you must include a student ID and a lesson ID.


public func getNote(
    noteId: String,
    _ completion: @escaping (_ error: Error?, _ note: DXNote?) -> Void

Retrieves a specific note by ID.


public func getNoteList(
    lessondId: String?,
    userId: String?,
    classId: String?,
    studentId: String?,
    courseId: String?,
    _ completion: @escaping (_ error: Error?, _ notes: [DXNote]?) -> Void

Retrieves all notes from the specified category or categories.


public func deleteNote(
    noteId: String,
    _ completion: @escaping (_ error: Error?) -> Void

Deletes a note by ID.

Last updated