How to Add Modules and Dividers

Modules are used to add content to the course, to include listings such as URLs, Documents, Assessments, and App Lessons. Dividers are used as a way to indicate a subject for groups of modules.

Once a course has been published, any attempts to EDIT MODULES will warn the Instructor that the version is in use by a class. They will be given the option to make a new version of the course or apply changes to an existing class. However, if a student has already completed modules in the course the Instructor will be unable to apply changes and must start a new version of the course to make edits or remove modules.

Add Module(s)

To add a module to a course, CLICK the MODULES tab.



If applying changes to an existing class, CHECK the BOX to acknowledge the version being changed has student(s) enrolled. Then CLICK the MODIFY SELECTED VERSION button.

At this point, the user must select the desired module type to continue. Specific instructions for adding each module type can be found at the links below:


The URL module allows the instructor to link the student to a URL external to the platform.


App Lesson modules provide the ability to launch 3rd party applications as a singular training module as part of a larger set of course material.


The Event Set module records student actions within an App lesson. Event Set modules are a type of performance assessment.


The Assessment module allows the instructor to create a series of questions, either manually or pulled from the course question bank, for the student to answer.


The Document module allows the instructor to upload reference training material as a module.


The Video module allows the instructor to use videos uploaded under their studio organization as a module.


The Audio module allows the instructor to use videos uploaded under their studio organization as a module.


The Sharable Content Object Reference Models (SCORM) modules provide the ability to launch SCORM Lesson listings that have been published in MOTAR Studio.

Add Child Module

To add a child module to the course, CLICK the + ICON on desired parent module to create a nested child module.

Any module type can be added as a child module.

In this example, a Document Module will be created to show the steps required to add a child module.

SELECT + DOCUMENT to insert a document module.

INPUT the LESSON NAME. UPLOAD the desired document FILE.

After the secure scanning is complete, CLICK CLOSE on the file upload modal.

CLICK the ADD DOCUMENT button to save all changes. The child module has now been added to the course.

Module Divider

As an instructor, the user can add module dividers to their course structure. These module dividers separate the course content on the student journey view and any exported reports from the course.

To add a divider, CLICK the INSERT DIVIDER link.

POPULATE the divider NAME. Then CLICK the SAVE button.

The divider will now be visible in the Course Preview and the Student View.

In the example image below, the divider can be found between modules 3.2 and 3.3 (ASSESSMENT).

The divider will also be visible when the Instructor accesses the Student's Learning Record.

In the example image below, the divider can be found between modules 3.2 and 3.3 (ASSESSMENT).

Manage Module Settings

Once a module is added to the course, module settings are managed using the icons on the far right of the module row. Additional information can be found at the link below:

How to Manage Module Settings

Last updated