Permissions based plugin end-points for AI Engines to integrate with MOTAR.


Since the APIs are designed to be used by an AI agent rather than a specific user, you must use your plugin's client ID and client secret for authentication, rather than a standard MOTAR auth token generated by the SSO.

See Plugins page for more information.

Steps for generating a basic auth token:

  1. Concatenate your app's client ID and client secret with a ":" character between them: <client_id>:<client_secret>

  2. Base 64 encode the result.

  3. Attach the resulting string as a header to your API request: Authorization: Basic <base64_encoded_string>

Each set of AI Plugin APIs are permission controlled by MOTAR Admin. To begin, you need to create your AI plugin and ask a MOTAR Admin to enable the correct permissions for it.

User Record

This API allows your AI Engine to access the user learning record, also known as the Airman Learning Record (ALR) or Airman Guardian Learning Record (AGLR)

Returns student record data for the supplied functional orgs, or all the orgs your plugin has access to.


Query Parameters


    userId: String,
    dutyTitle: String,
    afsc: String,
    education: String

Badge Data API Methods

This API set allows you to assert badges for a user's record or return a set of badges held by a user.

Asserts a badge for a user.



Request Body

    userId: String,
    badgeId: String
    name: String,
    type: String,
    image: String,
    issuedOn: ISO Date String,
    issuerName: String,
    lessonId: String, only IF badge is from MOTAR,
    classId: String, only IF badge is from MOTAR,
    versionId: String, only IF badge is from MOTAR

Returns badge assertions for a user.


Query Parameters


    userId: String,
    badgeId: String
    name: String,
    type: String,
    image: String,
    issuedOn: ISO Date String,
    issuerName: String,
    lessonId: String, only IF badge is from MOTAR,
    classId: String, only IF badge is from MOTAR,
    versionId: String, only IF badge is from MOTAR

Creates a badge.

POST /plugin/v2/ai/badge


Request Body

 badgeId: String
 name: String,
 type: String,
 image: String,
 proficiency: Number,
 description: String, optional,
 criteria: {
    module: [],
    objective: []
  alignments: String, optional,
 tags: String, optional

Returns course badges from all courses selected functional org(s) member(s) are enrolled in.


Query Parameters


    badgeId: String
    name: String,
    type: String,
    image: String,
    description: String, optional,
    criteria: {
        module: [],
        objective: [{
            objectiveId: String,
            objectiveName: String,
            objectiveDescription: String
    alignments: String, optional,
    tags: String, optional,
    courseId: String, optional,
    courseVersion: String, optional

Returns objective badges from all courses selected functional org(s) member(s) are enrolled in.


Query Parameters


    badgeId: String
    name: String,
    type: String,
    image: String,
    description: String, optional,
    criteria: {
        module: [{
            moduleId: String,
            moduleName: String,
            moduleDescription: String
        objective: []
    alignments: String, optional,
    tags: String, optional,
    courseId: String, optional,
    courseVersion: String, optional

Hobbies and Other Skills API

This API allows the AI to read a user's hobbies and skills from their record.

Returns a user's hobbies and other skills.


Query Parameters


    selfClaimedExpertise: String,
    level: String

Additional Info API



Request Body

    title: String,
    description: String

Mission Planner Search API

For your plugin to support Mission Planner Search, you must implement a capabilities search request endpoint, and a candidate search request endpoint. When a user uses the MOTAR Mission Planner and your plugin has been configured properly, they will have the option to select your plugin for their search.

All requests to your API from MOTAR will include a basic auth header, as detailed in "Authentication" above. You should decode this header and verify the client ID and client secret match before returning a response.

Capabilities Search Request

Be sure to configure your AI plugin in MOTAR Studio with your Capabilities Search endpoint. If you have not set your endpoint, your plugin will not appear as an option for Mission Planner search.

Search is limited to specific data sets. Contact MOTAR Help Desk to verify your AI's data access permissions.

Request body (from MOTAR):

Request Body
    "positions": [{
        "title": String,
        "knowledgeLevel": KnowledgeLevel,
        "afsc": String,
        "count": Number,
        "exactMatch": Boolean

Expected response (from plugin API):

Response Body
    "positions": [{
        "title": String,
        "competencies": [{
            "competencyId": String,
            "title": "String,
            "preferredCompetencyLevel": CompetencyLevel
    "additionalCompetencies": [{
        "competencyId": String,
        "title": String

Candidate Search Request

Be sure to configure your AI plugin in MOTAR Studio with your Candidate Search endpoint. If you have not set your endpoint, your plugin will not appear as an option for Mission Planner search.

Request body (from MOTAR):

Request Body
    "positions": [{
        "title": String,
        "count": Number,
        "competencies": [{
            "competencyId": String,
            "title": String,
            "minimumRequirement": CompetencyLeveL,
            "preferredRequirement": CompetencyLevel

Expected response (from plugin API):

Response Body
    "positions": [{
        "title": String,
        "readyCandidates": [{
            "candidateId": String,
            "trainingGap": [{
                "competencyId": String,
                "recommendedAction": [{
                    "type": ActionType,
                    "objectIds": [String]
        "recommendedCandidates": [{
            "candidateId": String,
            "trainingGap": [{
                "competencyId": String,
                "recommendedAction": [{
                    "type": ActionType,
                    "objectIds": [String]

Data Types


Last updated