Getting Started

MOTAR Public Documents contain detailed information for Developers to easily integrate with the MOTAR platform and use Developer Tools.

Find out more about MOTAR’s unique Developer Tools, SDKs, and APIs.

Use the MOTAR Lab to learn how to build, link, and deploy an application on MOTAR with student metrics sent back to MOTAR Training (LMS).

Developer User Role

Permissions and accesses granted to the Developer (Creator) Role in MOTAR Services.

Developer FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions and useful links for the Developer Role.

Installing MOTAR Authentication

Users can login to applications using the MOTAR SSO which will have full CAC support.

Distributing Apps using MOTAR

Learn more about the process of adding applications to MOTAR, distributing existing applications, and connecting to LMS.

Installing MOTAR Hub Applications

This section explains how to install an application from the MOTAR Hub.

How to Use Sandbox

The MOTAR Sandbox is a MOTAR test environment used by MOTAR Studio users to test and debug application or training scenarios that use the MOTAR Training scope.

Getting Started with MOTAR Unity SDK

Last updated