OAuth2 with PKCE
Coming Soon! If you have any feedback on this API, please let us know.
Reminder: new apps connecting to MOTAR should use PKCE flow, as it offers more security. MOTAR may deprecate Implicit flow in the future.
Reminder: if you are using an app/client ID in sandbox, you must use sandbox.motar.io as the endpoint for your requests.
Render OAuth Login Page
This endpoint renders the OAuth login page. This page can be displayed in a browser or an app's webview. Your app should be configured to accept a redirect from the OAuth screen and should capture the resulting tokens to maintain the logged-in user's session.
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
client_id* | string | Your app's client ID, generated in MOTAR Studio. |
response_type* | string | Determines what auth flow to use. Can be "code" or "implicit". "Code" auth flow will generate an auth-code that can be used to retrieve an auth token, while "implicit" will generate an auth and refresh token directly. |
redirect_uri* | string | After logging in, the user will be redirected to this URI. Must be registered for your app in MOTAR Studio beforehand. |
state* | string | This will be passed through the auth flow and to the redirect URI. Can be any arbitrary string. |
app_login* | boolean | Determines whether or not the OAuth screen should include the "Login via MOTAR App" button. Set to "true" if your client is an app to allow users to login if they have the MOTAR app. |
code_challenge* | string | A base64-encoded SHA256 hash of the code_verifier later used to retrieve the token. The code_verifier must be a string between 43 and 128 characters in length matching the regex /^([A-Za-z0-9.-_~]){43,128}$/ |
code_challenge_method* | string | The method used to generate the code challenge. MUST BE "S256". |
nonce | string | A value provided by the calling application that can uniquely identify the user but whose value is never reused. |
One of the four error codes described in RFC 6749: invalid request, invalid grant, unauthorized client, unsupported grant type, invalid scope.
Refresh or Generate Auth Token
Generates an auth token with a code or refreshes a session using a refresh token.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
refresh_token | string | Refresh token generated by the OAuth flow. Required if using grant_type "refresh_token" |
code | string | An authorization code generated from the OAuth flow. Required if using grant_type "authorization_code". |
client_secret | string | Your app's client secret from MOTAR studio required for grant_type "refresh_token". |
client_id* | string | Your app's client ID from MOTAR Studio. |
grant_type* | string | Must be either "refresh_token" if refreshing an existing session or "authorization_code" if generating an auth token with a code. |
code_verifier | string | The code verifier used to generate the code challenge value in the authorization request. Required for grant_type "authorization_code". The code_verifier string is between 43 and 128 characters in length matching the regex /^([A-Za-z0-9.-_~]){43,128}$/ |
Logs out a user that has been logged in via OAuth screen.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization* | String | Bearer token generated by user login |
Validate a Token
A simple request to validate the attached authentication token.
Name | Type | Description |
Authentication* | string | Bearer token generated by user login. |
Validate a Session
A simple request to validate the session associated with the attached authentication token
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization* | string | Bearer token generated by user login |
Last updated