How to Create and Customize Course
How To Create and Customize Courses on MOTAR Training.
Create Course
To create a new course, CLICK the CREATE A COURSE button found near the bottom of the Instructor Dashboard page.
INPUT the COURSE TITLE. POPULATE the DESCRIPTION (these fields are required, as annotated by the asterisk *). CLICK the SAVE & CLOSE button to save the requested changes.
Course Titles cannot contain symbols (i.e. hyphen -, slash /, comma ,).
If the user tries to enter a course name that is already in use, they will receive an error and need to input a different name before being able to save.
Customize Course
Once the course is created, Course Manager(s) can customize the following features:
Levels allow the instructor to section out a class by things like Course Objectives, Curriculum, and more. Modules are used to add content to the course, to include listings such as URLs, Documents, Assessments, and App Lessons.
Modules are used to add content to the course, to include listings such as URLs, Documents, Assessments, and App Lessons.
Course Objectives have exposed APIs, which allows Virtual Instructors / AI Programs to query at any time to track student proficiency.
Course Creators can upload various types of additional training material (such as PDFs, images, documents, and slides) that can be referenced by Students, Instructors, Course Managers, and Observers.
Question Banks are created and managed by the Course Manager(s) of a course. The feature allows quick integration of required questions.
Classes are tied to specific Course Versions and are created/managed by the Course Manager(s) of a course. Users are assigned to specific classes and include Instructors, Students, and Observers.
Users are assigned to specific classes and include Instructors, Students, and Observers.
As an instructor, you have the option to control course versioning. This feature allows you to create new versions of your course to support a curriculum change / new class or lesson structure.
Last updated