SCORM | Listing Type Subcategory

SCORM listings are a subcategory of the Lesson listing type and are used to share Sharable Content Object Reference Models (SCORM).

MOTAR currently supports SCORM player 1.2, with only partial 2004 functionality.


Studio users have access to the following listing types:

CLICK on the LESSON icon to begin the process to create a SCORM Listing.


The listing creation page will launch with the INFO Tab displayed.

CLICK the UPLOAD button to upload a thumbnail for the listing.

Instructions on how to use the IMG.LY Image Editing Tool can be found at the link below:

How to Use the IMG.LY Image Editing Tool

POPULATE the listing name in the LISTING NAME field and a description in the SCORM LISTING DESCRIPTION field.

CLICK the NEXT button to continue.


In the SETTINGS Tab, CLICK the SUBCATEGORY dropdown menu. SELECT the SCORM LESSON option.

CLICK the NEXT button to continue.


CLICK the UPLOAD button to upload a SCORM zip file.

Users should avoid using white spaces or special characters in the SCORM package name.

Once the file is selected, it will be scanned before being uploaded. The user can close the FILE UPLOAD modal while the file is scanning, but cannot leave or refresh the page.



If the user desires to upload another version of the SCORM package to the same lesson, they can CLICK the UPLOAD button to upload.

Only one version of the package can be active in the lesson listing.

Once the package(s) have been saved, CLICK the NEXT button to continue.


CLICK the LAUNCH button to run the Permissions Wizard. Full instructions can be found at the link below.

How to Use the Permissions Wizard

Once the Permission Wizard is complete, CLICK the SAVE button to save the listing.

The user will be redirected to the Studio Group homepage, where the new listing is displayed at the top of the MY CURRENT LISTINGS table.


To edit a listing, CLICK the PENCIL icon found in the ACTION column of the MY CURRENT LISTINGS table.

The user can now make desired changes to INFO, SETTINGS, PACKAGES, and/or PERMISSIONS.

Once desired changes have been made, CLICK the UPDATE button to save all changes.


To delete a listing, CLICK the TRASH CAN icon found in the ACTION column of the MY CURRENT LISTINGS table.

A CONFIRMATION modal will launch. To proceed, TYPE the word DELETE in the text field. Then CLICK the DELETE button.

The listing has been deleted and will no longer be displayed in the MY CURRENT LISTINGS table.

Last updated