How to Manage Course Permissions
Course Permissions can be set when creating a new course or by modifying an existing course. Once permissions are set, the course will be visible on MOTAR Hub.
Existing Course
If the course is unpublished, skip to the next step. If the course is currently published, CLICK on the SETTINGS dropdown menu and SELECT the UNPUBLISH COURSE option.
CLICK on the SETTINGS dropdown menu and SELECT the EDIT COURSE option.
SCROLL to the bottom of the page to find the MANAGE COURSE section.
LOCATE the DROPDOWN menu below the text: Who will be publishing this course on HUB? SELECT the STUDIO GROUP you would like to grant access to the course.
CLICK the SAVE & CLOSE button.
A modal may pop-up asking the user to change the course name. If the user tries to enter a course name that is already in use in the studio group, they will receive an error and need to input a different name before being able to save.
Now that studio group has been selected, the course material is visible on MOTAR Studio. Details regarding how to view on MOTAR HUB can be found in the VIEW ON HUB section below.
CLICK on the SETTINGS dropdown menu and SELECT the PUBLISH COURSE option.
The Permissions Wizard modal will launch. Follow the prompts to add permissions. Additional instructions can be found at the link below:
New Course
The user will see the initial course view in an unpublished state.
CLICK on the SETTINGS dropdown menu and SELECT the EDIT COURSE option.
SCROLL to the bottom of the page to find the MANAGE COURSE section.
LOCATE the DROPDOWN menu below the text: Who will be publishing this course on HUB? SELECT the STUDIO GROUP you would like to grant access to the course.
CLICK the SAVE & CLOSE button.
A modal may pop-up asking the user to change the course name. If the user tries to enter a course name that is already in use in the studio group, they will receive an error and need to input a different name before being able to save.
Now that studio group has been selected, the course material is visible on MOTAR Studio. Details regarding how to view on MOTAR HUB can be found in the VIEW ON HUB section below.
CLICK on the SETTINGS dropdown menu and SELECT the PUBLISH COURSE option.
The Permissions Wizard modal will launch. Follow the prompts to complete the wizard. Additional instructions can be found at the link below.
If the course is unpublished, skip to the next step. If the course is currently published, CLICK on the SETTINGS dropdown menu and SELECT the UNPUBLISH COURSE option.
CLICK on the SETTINGS dropdown menu and SELECT the EDIT COURSE option.
SCROLL to the bottom of the page to find the MANAGE COURSE section.
LOCATE the DROPDOWN menu below the text: Who will be publishing this course on HUB? SELECT the STUDIO GROUP you would like to grant access to the course.
CLICK the SAVE & CLOSE button.
A modal may pop-up asking the user to change the course name. If the user tries to enter a course name that is already in use in the studio group, they will receive an error and need to input a different name before being able to save.
Now that studio group has been selected, the course material is visible on MOTAR Studio. Details regarding how to view on MOTAR HUB can be found in the VIEW ON HUB section below.
The Permissions Wizard modal will launch. Follow the prompts to complete the wizard. Additional instructions can be found at the link below.
The course material was made visible on MOTAR Studio (under the groups listings page) by selecting a studio group in the EDIT COURSE modal (instructions can be found in the CREATE and EDIT sections above). To access the course material, CLICK on the MOTAR SERVICES dropdown menu and SELECT the HUB option.
CLICK on the ALL ASSETS dropdown menu and SELECT the COURSE option.
Either scroll to locate the desired course, or SEARCH for the desired COURSE using the search feature.
VERIFY the course the user shared is VISIBLE in the filtered list of assets.
Last updated