Communities | Listing Type
Available for Government Permissioned Organizations only.
Last updated
Available for Government Permissioned Organizations only.
Last updated
This feature allows users within a government Studio Group to create an official unit organization (aka Functional Org) associated with their Studio Group. Once created, the Functional Org will allow the Org Admin to invite members, leaders, and the assign roles like Unit Training Manger (UTM) and Leader, which unlocks specialized dashboards in the Insights service on MOTAR.
Additional information about the Org Admin role can be found at the link below:
Studio users have access to the following listing types:
CLICK on the COMMUNITIES tile to begin the create listing process.
Only one Community (Functional Org) can be associated to a Studio Group at a time.
If a Community has already been created, the tile will be gray/disabled:
A modal will launch asking what type of community the user is creating.
Only government Studio Groups and users can create communities. This message will be displayed if a community cannot be created:
SELECT the OPTION: I want to create the official community organization for my unit, flight, squadron, etc. CLICK the NEXT button to create the community.
The user will be redirected to the My Org page in the MOTAR Communities Service, where the community has been created.
Instructions for customizing/editing the community can be found in the next section.
After creating the community, on MOTAR Studio the COMMUNITIES tile will be greyed out on the create listings UI. The user can now view the Community Organization by clicking on the GO TO FUNCTIONAL ORG button found at the top of the group's MOTAR Studio listings page.
The Members tab displays users in the organization. From the Members tab, the ORG ADMIN can Add Members, Edit User Roles, and Remove Members.
From the members tab the user can Search Community Members and Sort the results by Role and Date Joined.
Role - Org Admin, Member, Leader, UTM
Date Joined - Newest Members, Oldest Members
CLICK the ADD MEMBERS button to update the member's view table. Here the org admin can search for a MOTAR user to add.
CLICK the ADD USER button to add the user to the functional organization. Clicking this button will remove the user from the search results on this table. The user has the MEMBER ROLE by default.
CLICK the EDIT USER ROLES button as the ORG ADMIN to update user's roles within your organization. SELECT the user and then the ROLE you would like to add or remove (found above the member's list). CLICK the DONE button to confirm your changes to user roles.
Users with MEMBER ROLE can be removed from the organization - To remove ORG ADMIN & LEADER Roles transfer the permission to another account.
Each organization must have at least 1 account holding LEADER / ORG ADMIN Roles. A MOTAR Admin can change this rule on the admin application.
CLICK the REMOVE MEMBERS button to update the table with the option to remove members.
CLICK the REMOVE button on the user to trigger the confirm-action modal. After clicking REMOVE on the modal the user will be removed from the member's list/organization.
By selecting the link icon users are directed to the associated studio org listing page.
Additional features coming soon!