How to Manage Users
Users are assigned to specific classes and include Instructors, Students, and Observers.
Add User(s)
Course Manager(s) can add three types of users to specific classes: Instructors, Students, and Observers.
To begin, CLICK the USERS tab.
Utilize the CLASS and VERSION dropdown menus to SELECT the CORRECT CLASS that user(s) should be added to.
To add a new user, CLICK the ADD <USER TYPE> button.
This example will show how to add a new Student. However, the following steps will also apply to add new Instructors or Observers.
To add a Student, CLICK the ADD STUDENT button.
SEARCH for the desired STUDENT'S name or handle. SELECT the + ICON next to the student’s name.
Multiple students can be added before continuing to the next step.
CLICK the ADD STUDENT(S) button to add the student(s) to the course.
The added student(s) will be displayed on the course’s Classes tab.
If a student added to the course does not have the correct permissions to access modules for a class, a Warning Banner will appear at the top of the screen and a Red Key icon will appear next to their name indicating that the Instructor needs to provide the student with access before they will be able to interact with the restricted modules.
CLICK the RED KEY ICON to open the PERMISSIONS NEEDED modal. Here all modules the student does not have access to will be listed.
When a student is taking a course and comes to a module they do not have access to, they will be able to manually request permissions. This will prompt the Instructor(s) with a platform notification and email listing the user name and course the request was made in.
For more information on Editing/Customizing Permissions for individual users see the following link:
How to Use the Permissions WizardDelete Instructor(s) and Observer(s)
To delete Instructor(s) or Observer(s) from a class, CLICK the X button on the far right of their row in the INSTRUCTOR or OBSERVER table.
The CONFIRM ACTION modal will launch. CLICK the CONFIRM button to delete the user.
The modal will close and the user will no longer be listed.
Disenroll Student(s)
To disenroll a Student, CLICK directly on the STUDENT'S NAME in the STUDENT table.
The Student's Learning Record will launch.
SELECT the ARROW icon next to the Student's name to open the dropdown menu. SELECT the DISENROLL option.
The CONFIRM ACTION modal will launch. CLICK the CONFIRM button to disenroll the Student.
The modal will close and the Student will no longer be listed.
Last updated